We Ride To Fly

Fly E-bike Miami Inc

1513 Washington Ave. Miami Beach

Miami, FL 33139


Opening hours

  • Mon - Sun 10am - 7pm

Electric Scooter Shop Miami Beach

Electric scooters sit at the forefront of the green transport revolution and here at the Fly Ebike Miami Inc, we want to play our part in driving forward that revolution. Get in touch today to learn more.

Benefits of Electric Scooters.

There are many reasons why people love electric scooters: They're lightweight, practical, convenient and easy to ride, making them a popular choice for adults and kids alike. With an e-scooter, you don't get as tired as when you're peddling a bicycle or a traditional scooter.

You also don't have to depend on public transportation schedules for buses and trains, so you end up with more freedom in your day. Plus, scooters with rechargeable batteries are even more environmentally friendly and don't cost you money for gas, which is why they are a great choice for those focused on sustainable living. Another positive is that the small size of electric scooters (compared to cars) allows you to avoid traffic jams and parking hassles.

If these benefits sound like things you could do with, visit Fly Ebike Miami Inc today and browse our extensive stock!

Avoid road hassles wherever you go

E-Bike Shop Miami Beach

Looking for the Perfect Electric 2-Wheeler?

Our Services
  • E-Bike Shop
  • Electric Motorcycle Shop
  • Electric Scooter Shop
  • Bike Shop
  • Bicycle Accessories Shop
Our Guarantees
  • Professional Experience
  • Convenient Location
  • Customized Services
  • Cutting-Edge Technology
We Serve
  • Miami Beach

Choosing the Best e-Scooter For You.

Finding the best electric scooter for your needs starts with knowing whether you're looking for a motorized scooter for kids, an e-vehicle for older teenagers who are licensed drivers, or a scooter for adults.

For example, an electric scooter for kids will have a maximum weight capacity of approximately 125 pounds, while an electric scooter for adults will have a much higher weight capacity, likely 220 pounds or more. Additionally, maximum speeds on an electric scooter for kids will be closer to 10 mph, while adult electronic scooters are designed to travel at about 15 mph or faster.

Some people take full advantage of the portable convenience of a folding electric scooter for their commute to work or on a college campus where classes are spread out in several different buildings. An electric scooter with seat cushions is a wise pick if your top consideration is comfort, but even electric scooters that you stand on feature shock absorbers, larger deck frames and wider tires to give you a smoother ride over any terrain.

Get in touch with Fly Ebike Miami Inc for more tips to help you with your choice.

Take advantage of all the conveniences

Electric Scooter Shop Miami Beach

Looking for the Perfect Electric 2-Wheeler?